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 Quest for Fishing Shot

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Cantidad de envíos : 182
Fecha de inscripción : 28/10/2008
Edad : 48
Localización : Murcia/España

Quest for Fishing Shot Empty
MensajeTema: Quest for Fishing Shot   Quest for Fishing Shot Icon_minitimeSáb Ago 22, 2009 12:02 am

Esta es posiblemente la unica quest que es para todos los niveles, hay un montón de monstruos que te daran el Sweet Fluit con el que conseguiras las Fishingshots

Fishingshots por Sweet Fluid:

NG 66
D 40
C 28
B 8
A 5
S 4

Los monstruos que dan Sweet Fluid

Talkin Island: Elder Keltirs, Wolves, Orc Grunts, Warewolves, Stone Golems, Talon Spiders, Skeleton Archers, Silent Horrors, Undine Nobles
Elven Land: Elder red Keltirs, Gray Wolves, Kaboo Orc Grunts, Kaboo Orc Figters, Dryads, Hook Spiders, Liren Elders, Dungeon Skeleton Archers, Dark Terrors, Sukar Warerat Leaders
Dark Elven Land: Elder Brown, Keltirs, Ashen wolves, Imp Elders, Balor Fighters, Festering bat, Lesser Dark horrors, Archrid Trackers, Cave bats, Cave Fangs, Spider, Stink Zombies
Orc Land: Elder praire keltirs, Kasha Wolves, Rakeclaw imp hunters, Maraku warewolves, Gravestone golems, kasha fang spiders, kasha imp, Grave keepers, Undead slaves
Dwarven Land: Elder longtail keltirs, Black Wolves, Utuku orc Grunts, Goblin brigand lieutants,Goblin lords, Hunter tarantulas, Northern trimedens, Darkstone golems, Boogie ratmen,Pitchstone Golems.
Windmill Hill: Lang Lizardmen wariors, Vuku Orc Fighters, Archnid PredatorsLang
Lizardman Dwelling: Lang Lizardman sentinels, Lang Lizardman liutenants,Lang Lizardman shamans, Lang Lizardman leaders.
Wasteland: Lesser basilisk, Androscprpics, Androscorpio Hunter, Cave Ants, Ant Captains, Granit Golems, Punchers, Ant Warior Captains.
Windy Hill: Sobbing Winds, Babbling winds, Giggling winds, Shining Winds, Whispering Winds.
Ant Nest: Ants, Ant overseers, Ant patrols, Ant recruits, Noble ants Ant Icubator?: Cave Ants, Cave Ant soldiers, Cave noble ants
Windawood Manor: ol Mahum guards, Ol mahum reserves, Ol mahum shooters, Ol Mahum Captains.
Cruma Marslands: Giant mist leeches, Horor mist rippers, Marsh stakatos, Marsh stakato worker,Marsh stakato soilders, Marsh stakato Drones.
Floran Agriculural Area: Plain Watchmen, Rough hewn rock golems, Delu lizardman suppliers,Delu Lizardman special agents, Cursed seers, Delu Lizardman commanders, Delu lizardman shamans.
Tanor Canyon: Tanor Silenos Wariors, Tanor Silenos grunts, Tanor silenos, Nightmare lords,Nightmare keepers, Tanor Silenos chiftains, Tanor silenos shamans.
Breka's Stronghold: Breka Orcs, Breka Orc archers, Breka Orc wariors, Breka Orc Shamans,Breka orc overlords
Death Pass: Wyrms, Guardian basilisk, Road scavengers, Fettered souls, Windus, Grandis
Devil's Isle: Zaken's Archers, Mardians, Pirate zombies, Tanted ogres, Fiend Archers,Zaken's royal guard, Pirate Zombie Captains, Vale Masters, Unpleasant Hummings.
Field of Silence: Dread wolves, Tsaba lizardmen, Orges, Lienriks
Field of Whispers: Rakuls, Dailons, Farhites
Alligator Island: Alligators, Crokian Lads, Crokain Warios, Nos Lads, Swamp Tribes
Garden of eve: Blade Stakatos, Blade stakato Wariors, Water Giant, Eva's Seeker,Theader mages, Light Worms, Garden guard leaders
Sea of spores: Giant fungus, Dire wyrms, Rotting golem, Trisalm spider, Spore zombies
Forest of outlaws: Tarlk basilisk, hunter gargoyles, ol mahum wariors, ol mahum witch doctors,ol mahum transcenders
Plains of Fierce Battle: Grave wanders, Hatar ratman thieves, Hatar hanishees, farcrans Taik Orc suppliers
The Giant Cave: Halingkas, Paliotes, Kranrots, Gamlins, Leoguls, Lesser giant scouts,Lesser giant shooters, lesser giant mages, lesser giant elders, beast lord, beast seers, Barif's pets
The Forest of Mirrors: Tail Orcs, Taik Orc Wariors, Taik Orc Captains, Forest of Mirrors ghost,Mirrors, Harit Lizardman grunts, harit Lizardman Wariors, Harit Lizardman Shamans
Tover of Insolence: Seers of hallate, ghost of the tower, ghastly wariors, archers of despair, blades of despair, Hallat's royal guard, hound dogs of hallate, archers of abyss, Hallate's maid, Hallate's commanders, Hallate's Inspectors, Hallate's guardians, Platinum tribe shamans, Platinum trive overlords, Guardian angel, Platinum Guardian Shamans, Guardian archangels, Seal archangels, Platinum Guardian Cgiefs, Slaughter bathins, Elmo-Aden's archer escorts, Elmo Aden's Maids, Magus Valac, Binders, Bound Archers, Power Angel Amons
Valley of Saints: Eyes of splendor, fiashes of splendor, Wisdom of Splendor, Vengeance of splendor, Victory of splendor, Soul of Splendor, Crown of Splendor,Shout of Splendor, Pilgrim's diciplies, Pilgrim's servant, Judges of splendor
Swamp of screams: Spliter Stakatos, Spliter Stakatos Soldiers, Spliter Stakatos Drones,Needle Stakatos workers, Needle Stakatos Drones, Frenzy Stakatos Soldiers
Hot spring Area: Hot SPrings Bandersnatchlings, Hot Springs Flaya, Hot Springs Antelope,Hot Springs Yetis, Hot Springs Bandersnatches
God's Cauldron: Scarlet Stakato workers, Scarlet Stakato Nobles, Tepra Scarabs, Wretched merchanaries, wretched mediums, wretched arismanes, elder rabasaurus, wretch Ashuras, Magma Drakes

Habilidades aprendidas con las pesca

Pescando puedes conseguir nuevas habilidades, para conseguirlas debes pescar y vender las recompensas de los peces al NPC, este te entregara Proof of Catching a Fish con las que podras conseguir las habilidades.

Todas las habilidades menos Expand Trade las aprendes cada 10 niveles.

Expand Common Craft: Esta habilidad expande el libro de recetas de Common Craft 6 slots por nivel, el maximo son 48 slots.
Lv 1: 2000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 2: 4000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 3: 6000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 4: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 5: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 6: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 7: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 8: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish
Expand Storage: Esta habilidad expande el warehouse 6 slots por nivel, el maximo son 48 slots.
Lv 1: 4000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 2: 8000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 3: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 4: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 5: 60,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 6: 60,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 7: 100,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 8: ??? Proof of catching a fish
Expand Inventory: Esta habilidad expande el inventario 6 slots por nivel, el maximo son 48 slots
Lv 1: 4000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 2: 8000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 3: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 4: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 5: 60,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 6: 60,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 7: 100,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 8: ??? Proof of catching a fish
Expand Dwarven Craft: SOLO para enanos, principalmente Warsmith, se aprende con el NPC con el que se aprenden las demas habilidades de Warsmith. Esta habilidad expande el libro de recetas 6 slots por nivel, maximo 48 slots.
Lv 1: 2000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 2: 4000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 3: 6000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 4: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 5: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 6: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 7: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish
Lv 8: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish
Expand Trade: Esta habilidad aumenta la cantidad de cosas que se pueden poner a comprar/vender. 1 slot por nivel y el maximo es 3 slots.
Lv 1: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish needed
Lv 2: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed
Lv 3: 40,000 Proof of catching a fish needed
(Se aprende a los niveles 40, 55, 65)
Recompensas de las POCF (POCF = Proof of Catching a Fish)

Hay varias recompensas que puedes obtener pescando. Los items que consigues son principalmente para el Common Craft. Cuando consigues un pez puedes hacer doble clic sobre el para "abrirlo". Hay cerca de un 50% de posibilidades de fallar al abrirlo, ten esto en cuenta.

Los materiales los puedes guardar para usarlos en el Common craft o puedes cambiarselos al NPC por POCF segun la tabla siguiente.


Fish Oil: 1 POCF
Greater Fish Oil: 5 POCF
Premium Fish Oil: 25 POCF
Fish Scale: 4 POCF
Shiny Fish Scale: 6 POCF
Fish Gem: 10 POCF
Shiny Fish Gem: 20 POCF
Thin Fish Bone: 6 POCF
Thick Fish Bone: 9 POCF

Aqui hay un listado de los diferentes tipos de peces que hay y las recompensas que dan.

Green Fishes:
Small Green Ugly Fish (lv 1): 100 HP 6 Fish Oil, 2 Fish Scale
Small Green Nimble Fish (lv 1): 116 HP 6 Fish Oil, Fish Gem
Small Green Fat Fish (lv 1): 132 HP 6 Fish Oil, Thin Fish Bone
Small Green Treasure Chest (lv 1): 132 HP 8 POCF, 12 Fish Oil
Green Ugly Fish (lv 2): 150 HP 2 Fish Scale, 8 Fish Oil
Green Nimble Fish (lv 2): 168 HP 6 Fish Oil,
Green Fat Fish (lv 2): 188 HP Thin Fish Bone, 6 Fish Oil
Green Treasure Chest (lv 2): 188 HP 12 Fish Oil, 16 POCF
Big Green Ugly Fish (lv 3): 208 HP 8 Fish Oil, 2 Fish Scale
Big Green Nimble Fish (lv 3): 230 HP Fish Gem, 12 Fish Oil, 8 Recipe: Greter Fish Oil
Big Green Fat Fish (lv 3): 252 HP 12 Fish Oil, Thin Fish Bone
Big Green Tresure Chest (lv 3): 252 HP 24 Fish Oil

Jade Fish:

Small Jade Ugly Fish (lv 4): 276 HP 8 Fish oil, 2 Fish Scale(s)
Small Jade Nimble Fish (lv 4): 300 HP Fish Gem, 8 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil, 12 Fish Oil
Small Jade Fat fish (lv 4): 310 HP Thin Fish bone, 12 Fish Oil
Small Jade Treasure chest (lv 4): 310 HP 26 POCF, 24 Fish Oil
Jade Ugly Fish (lv 5): 320 HP 16 Fish Oil, 4 Fish Scale
Jade Nimble Fish (lv 5): 330 HP Fish Gem, 16 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil, 12 Fish Oil
Jade Fat Fish (lv 5): 340 HP 12 Fish Oil, 2 Thin Fish Bone
Jade Treasure Chest (lv 5): 340 HP 26 POCF
Big Jade Ugly Fish (lv 6): 350 HP 16 fish oil, 4 fish scale
Big Jade Nimble Fish (lv 6): 360 HP 12 Fish Oil, 16 recipe: Greater Fish Oil (100%), 2 Fish Gem
Big Jade Fat Fish (lv 6): 370 HP 12 Fish Oil, 2 Thin Fish Bone
Big Jade Treasure Chest (lv 6): 370 HP 24 Fish Oil, 26 POCF

Blue Fishes:
Small Blue Ugly Fish (lv 7): 380 HP 16 Fish Oil, 4 Fish Scale
Small Blue Nimble Fish (lv 7): 390 HP 12 Fish Oil, 2 Fish Gems, 16 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil
Small Blue Fat fish (lv 7): 400 HP 12 Fish Oil, 2 Thin Fish Bones
Small Blue Treasure Chest (lv 7): 400 HP 24 Fish Oil, 26 POCF
Blue Ugly Fish (lv : 410 HP 2 Greater Fish Oil, 4 Fish Scale, 10 Fish Oil, 4 Recipe: Premium Fish Oil (100%), Party Mask Fabric
Blue Nimble Fish (lv : 420 HP Fish Gem, 14 Fish Oil, 16 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil, 4 Greater Fish Oil
Blue Fat fish (lv : 430 HP 16 Fish Oil, 4 Thin Fish Bone, 4 Greater Fish Oil
Blue Treasure Chest (lv : 430 HP 28 Fish Oil, 8 Greater Fish Oil
Big Blue Ugly Fish (lv 9): 506 HP 2 Greater fish oil, 4 Fish Scale, 4 Recipe: Premium Fish Oil(100%), 10 Fish Oil
Big Blue Nimle Fish (lv 9): 518 HP 16 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil(100%), 2 Fish Gem, 4 Greater Fish Oil, 14 Fish Oil
Big Blue Fat Fish (lv 9): 529 HP 4 Thin Fish Bone, 4 Greater Fish Oil, 16 Fish Oil
Big Blue Treasure Chest (lv 9): 529 HP 8 Greater Fish Oil, 28 Fish Oil, 30 Proof of Catching a Fish.

Yellow Fishes:
Small Yellow Ugly Fish (lv 10): 541 HP 20 Fish Oil, 2 Greater Fish Oil.
Small Yellow Nimble Fish (lv 10): 552 HP 16 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil (100%), 14 Fish Oil, 2 Fish Gem
Small Yellow Fat Fish (lv 10): 564 HP Party Mask Fabric, 16 Fish Oil
Small Yellow Treasure Chest (lv 10): 564 HP 28 Fish Oil
Yellow Ugly Fish (lv 11): 575 HP
Yellow Nimble Fish (lv 11): 587 HP
Yellow Fat Fish (lv 11): 598 HP
Yellow Treasure Chest (lv 11): 598 HP
Big Yellow Ugly Fish (lv 12): 610 HP
Big Yellow Nimble Fish (lv 12): 621 HP
Big Yellow Fat Fish (lv 12): 633 HP
Big Yellow Treasure Chest (lv 12): 633 HP

Orange Fishes:
Small Orange Ugly Fish (lv 13): 644 HP 4 Greater Fish Oil, 4 Thin Fish Bone
Small Orange Nimble Fish (lv 13): 656 HP
Small Orange Fat Fish (lv 13): 667 HP 4 Greater Fish Oil
Small Orange Treasure Chest (lv 13): 667 HP
Orange Ugly Fish (lv 14): 679 HP 4 Greater Fish Oil, Premium Fish Oil
Orange Nimble Fish (lv 14): 690 HP 2 Shiny Fish Gem
Orange Fat Fish (lv 14): 702 HP 4 Thick Fish Bone, Piece of Forget-me-not Hairpin
Orange Treasure Chest (lv 14): 702 HP 3 Premium Fish Oil
Big Orange Ugly Fish (lv 15): 713 HP
Big Orange Nimble Fish (lv 15): 819 HP
Big Orange Fat Fish (lv 15): 832 HP Premium Fish Oil
Big Orange Treasure Chest (lv 15): 832 HP

Purple Fishes:
Small Purple Ugly Fish (lv 16): 845 HP
Small Purple Nimble Fish (lv 16): 858 HP
Small Purple Fat Fish (lv 16): 871 HP
Small Purple Treasure Chest (lv 16): 871 HP
Purple Ugly Fish (lv 17): 884 HP
Purple Nimble Fish (lv 17): 897 HP
Purple Fat Fish (lv 17): 910 HP
Purple Treasure Chest (lv 17): 910 HP
Big Purple Ugly Fish (lv 1: 923 HP
Big Purple Nimble Fish (lv 1: 936 HP
Big Purple Fat Fish (lv 1: 949 HP
Big Purple Treasure Chest (lv 1: 949 HP

Red Fishes:
Small Red Ugly Fish (lv 19): 962 HP
Small Red Nimble Fish (lv 19): 1125 HP
Small Red Fat Fish (lv 19): 1140 HP
Small Red Treasure Chest (lv 19): 1140 HP 3 Premium Fish Oil
Red Ugly Fish (lv 20): 1155 HP 2 Premium Fish Oil, 8 Shiny Fish Scale
Red Nimble Fish (lv 20): 170 HP 2 Shiny Fish gem, 2 Premium Fish Oil
Red Fat Fish (lv 20): 1185 HP 8 Thick Fish Bone
Red Treasure Chest (lv 29): 1185 HP
Big Red Ugly Fish (lv 20): 1200 HP
Big Red Nimble Fish (lv 21): 1215 HP Monocle Piece
Big Red Fat Fish (lv 21): 1230 HP 8 Thick Fish Bone
Big Red Treasure Chest (lv 21): 1230 HP

White Fishes:

Small White Ugly Fish (lv 22): 1453 HP
Small White Nimble Fish (lv 22): 1470 HP
Small White Fat Fish (lv 22): 1488 HP
Small White Treasure Chest (lv 22): 1488 HP
White Ugly Fish (lv 23): 1505 HP
White Nimble Fish (lv 23): 1523 HP
White Fat Fish (lv 23): 1540 HP
White Treasure Chest (lv 23): 1540 HP
Big White Ugly Fish (lv 24): 1558 HP
Big White Nimble Fish (lv 24): 1575 HP
Big White Fat Fish (lv 24): 1593 HP
Big White Treasure Chest (lv 24): 1593 HP

Black Fishes:
Small Black Ugly Fish (lv 25): 1610 HP
Small Black Nimble Fish (lv 25): 1628 HP
Small Black Fat Fish (lv 25): 1648 HP
Small Black Treasure Chest (lv 25): 1648 HP
Black Ugly Fish (lv 26): 1663 HP
Black Nimble Fish (lv 26): 1872 HP
Black Fat Fish (lv 26): 1892 HP
Black Treasure Chest (lv 26): 1892 HP
Big Black Ugly Fish (lv 27): 1911 HP
Big Black Nimble Fish (lv 27): 1931 HP
Big Black Fat Fish (lv 27): 1950 HP
Big Black Treasure Chest (lv 27): 1950 HP

Common Crafting

Esta habilidad se aprende automaticamente al llegar al nivel ncesario. Funciona practicamente como la habilidad de los enanos para craftear. Todas las clases obtienen esta habilidad y el libro de recetas es en un principio de 50 slots, pero lo puedes aumentar como ya se ha dicho antes.
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